Abstract submissions are now open

The 2025 symposium committee invites abstracts for oral and poster presentations. 

The abstract submission deadline is Friday 16 May 2025.

Authors will be notified of acceptances/regrets on Tuesday 17 June 2025.

Please read all information on this page before submitting your abstract. 

Instructions to authors and abstract formatting guidelines

Please ensure that you have reviewed the instructions below and prepare your abstract accordingly prior to submission.

Presentation type

Oral presentations – 10 minutes duration, with additional 10 minutes at the end of the session for shared questions with all presenters.

Poster presentations – hard copy posters will be on display with authors in attendance at a specified day/time to discuss their research with interested delegates. E-posters (A4 portrait PDF) will also be viewable by link in the event app. 

Symposium themes

All abstracts are to be submitted under one of the following themes:

  1. Education
  2. Practice
  3. Leadership and Policy

All abstracts must be submitted via the online abstract submission portal.

Abstract formats

Abstract title: The abstract title must be in sentence case (only capitalise the first letter of the first word in the title – like you would in a sentence. Proper nouns must also have a capital). The title should be specific about the abstract’s content. Use short titles and standard abbreviations (expand at its first instance). The maximum title length is 12 words.

Author names and affiliations: You must enter each authors’ name and affiliation including the city, state and country. You must also indicate who will be the presenting author.


Abstract text: The abstract text must not exceed 300 words, excluding the abstract title and author details.

Text must be submitted as plain text without formatting. A limited number of symbols are available from the Special Character Keyboard (see below). Tables, graphs, and charts are NOT permitted in abstracts.

Text must be single-spaced and in upper and lowercase letters.

Oral and poster
abstracts should follow the following format:
Aim/Objective: text
Methods: text
Results: text
Conclusion: text
Keywords: list no more than four keywords describing your research.

Avoid reference to institution names, locations, or funding sources in the abstract.

Please carefully check all text for errors before submission as the quality of your abstract in this regard may significantly affect the outcome of the reviewers’ evaluation and scoring of your abstract.

Abstract review process

All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by at least three reviewers.

In evaluating each abstract, reviewers will be unaware of authors or institutions involved with the work described in the abstract. (Abstracts will be suitably anonymised by the program secretariat before being sent out to reviewers).

The reviewers will assign accepted abstracts either to oral or poster.

Notification of acceptance/regrets

Notification of the outcome of the review and acceptances will be sent to the contact person (this should be the first presenting author) by Tuesday 17 June 2025.

Only the contact person will be notified of acceptance or non- acceptance, and it is their responsibility to notify all other authors about the outcome of the reviewers’ decision.

Presentation details

For all accepted abstracts, further details regarding the oral presentation (PowerPoint presentation) and poster presentation (poster size, format, style and layout etc) will be communicated to the contact person as appropriate.


All presenting authors (maximum of two) must be registered for the symposium to be able to present the abstract. The deadline for presenting author registration is Friday 25 July 2025.

Accepted abstracts will be published in the symposium program only if the presenting author has registered for the symposium.

Enquiries regarding abstracts should be emailed to cdnm@expertevents.com.au.